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Day 32: Vulnerability Is Key

It wasn’t until she chucked the seventh time yesterday that I thought to reach for the healing oil.  (Aren’t you glad you are reading here today?) And now I can feel it, the guilty mom/priest feeling rising up.  Yes, I’m a female Anglican priest and yes, I stash healing oil in my trendy red and white striped clutch which I carry everywhere I go.  You never know when someone may need the power of God and besides, I lose things all the time, better keep the bishop’s blessed best super close.


Then, shocker.  After the prayer? Healing.  Then today, Xavier too, after the prayer, healing flooded in and then came perkiness and asking for food.  Sound familiar?  (Below? Madeline nursing Xavier, keeping him company reading to him.  So proud of you baby girl!)


But, the honest truth is that I waited…I waited to come before the power of the Universe who has promised to be always present.  I waited for that which should always be first…prayer!


The truth is that God’s healing shocks me. every. time.  And it just shouldn’t. Ask my grandpa about his dad’s conversion, he would have preached to you about healings.  His mother? Healings.  I have a row of books upstairs literally about family healings…but the question is, why did I get passed over with the faith gene?

I’m getting vulnerable here and this is where my aha moment cross-pollinates with the subject of good news bringing. My own faith struggles can be a strange sort of opening for those around me struggling toward faith.  When we present a perfect image, people smell out a mask.  Authenticity is often a bigger door to Christ for our unbelieving friends than anything that was typed into an apologetics book. (I’m sorry, Josh McDowell).

We can share the switchbacks of our own faith journey while still pointing to the Way, the Truth and the Life.  Our mess takes nothing away from His Perfection.


Vulnerability is absolutely key to becoming a safe person to journey with.


Summer Gross

Hi friend.  So thankful you are here journeying with me.

This is a part of the series: cross-shaped evangelism. You can find the rest here.

Anglican priest, spiritual director, homeschool mom of three and still in love with my high school sweetheart. I love listening to your hard and holy stories and setting the table for you to spend time in the Presence of God. My mission? Giving you tools to go from anxious to resting in God.

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