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Matthew 7:7-11 *slow Word video*

  Hey friends, My technology has decided to demonstrate the chaos of sinful earth all at once. Tomorrow is a full sabbath/retreat day {thanking God for all things from whom all blessings flow} and so I’m going to post Monday’s…

Lectio Divina as a Doorway to Rest

  It’s just a couple of lines, not even a whole verse. These words from Isaiah 30:15, “In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and trust will be your strength,” keeps being brought to the table, the Spirit’s…

John 14:1-6 Mondays @Jesus’ feet

Dear friends, it’s Monday. Some Mondays I drag myself into the week, willing myself into a tight schedule, other times I come to Monday morning aware of my need, holding out empty hands for Jesus to fill. This Monday I…

A Beg for Grace and a New *SLOW Word*

Dearest of SLOW Word community, Lent is for listening and tweaking how we spend our hours and drinking full glasses of grace when we realize we just can’t get everything done. This Lent I’m finishing up a year of study…


Dear Friends, Here’s a little Monday blessing: So, what if instead of laying down our heavy hearts to enter the Word, we took them right along with us? What if we lugged our struggles, our unmet needs, our pain, our…

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