The Allure of Lent
Therefore, behold, I will allure her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. Hosea 2:14 It’s the scripture that calls me into Lent. Always. I’m hearing it again. It’s one of the reasons why I’ve been so quiet…
Therefore, behold, I will allure her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. Hosea 2:14 It’s the scripture that calls me into Lent. Always. I’m hearing it again. It’s one of the reasons why I’ve been so quiet…
Everyday just under the surface lies a low-grade growl of shame: “You haven’t done enough.” Do you have his voice on repetition as well? Not enough vegetables on the table. Not enough exercise. Not enough blank. Shame comes in…
Women are quick to lift up the mask, paint on the mask…but the truth? The mask can plaster on hard. It becomes a wall between sisters and only the brave take it off. But when the walls do come…
It seems impossible doesn’t it? My beautiful college friend asked THE question: How do we find time to pray and wait on God as busy moms? How do we sit at His feet when they are climbing all over our…
Welcome friends to Word-Seeds. Here we take a step into the Scripture, read the gospel for Sunday morning, prepare our hearts. This week, read here first: Matthew 5:13-20. Stop at pictures ? They are wide open spaces for contemplation in the middle of…
Each one felt like a warm bloody mass of miracle when first placed on my chest all arms and legs and eyes unblinking. Every time. “I have my own baby!” Madeline jumped up and down beside the hospital bed when she first glimpsed…
The scripture is where I am transformed and this one here is exposing me. A weekly submitting myself to the gospel in the lectionary is renewing my heart and mind. Come along for the pilgrimage? We call it Word Seeds. …
My windshield is smeared with salt and grime, striped with my windshield wipers’ attempts to polish the world. The wiper fluid is frozen and its meager attempts at throwing up liquid just makes the snow on the front of the…
Don’t you get the feeling that in those six days God created straight out of unbounded delight? The red-eyed frog, the blue morpho butterfly, the elephant? Only someone with a serious sense of humor could have come up with an…
Welcome to Word-seeds dear friend. This is where we pray the Scripture roots into every crevice and crack of our life, breaks up the hard ground. Word seed is a Bible study that may take longer than a day. We wind…