Good, Good Friday
Today, God hung slack on a tree, Bleeding red love Hungry Shamed Alone. Today, Compassion cried bloody tears On the mob that killed it And asked forgiveness For the hand and the hammer And cried, “Father!” to stopped-up ears.…
Today, God hung slack on a tree, Bleeding red love Hungry Shamed Alone. Today, Compassion cried bloody tears On the mob that killed it And asked forgiveness For the hand and the hammer And cried, “Father!” to stopped-up ears.…
You’ve decided to greet the dawn. It’s very early, and no one is around. Just you and God. And He is such very good company… You rose early on purpose, knowing that by starting slowly and quietly you could move…
Sabbath implies ceasing, putting an end to activity. In simple terms, it means to turn the clock to the wall, shut off the computer, unplug, disconnect, and slip on our red dancing shoes –or soft, fluffy slippers! It means…
“My nest was empty…my life being resorted. Old habits were no longer useful….a new parenthesis had begun. The depiction of this evening in my life was symbolic of new things to come…new goodnesses to be explored and enjoyed. God spoke…
“For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone” Song of Solomon 2:11 Oh, Lord, what a wonder You are! I stand back and exult in the coming of yet another magical spring, so beautiful it takes…
“Your mercy, your mercy has stolen my heart”….the words tiptoe through my heart . I creep close and hard under the shelter of your wide-winged love. I snuggle close to the heart thump inside. Under your eagle eye I rest.…
This is a true story, written exactly as it happened to me in the “morning” of my mothering years. It was published once, and then again and again. It seemed to touch a chord in many women’s hearts. And so,…
Galatians 4:6 Mark 14:36 Romans 8:15 “Abba! Daddy! Father! Oh, how my spirit wraps itself around that unspeakably warm and touchable name! You are who you are. You are not as the fathers I’ve known or the ones I…